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Urban Mom: Modern mom’s one-stop shop

I got this super lovely paisley patterned cover from Urban Mom and I was dying with happiness because (1) I super love paisley and (2) the cloth feels smooth. I compared it to what we bought from the mall that cost around Php 600+ ($12+) and honestly Urban Mom’s cloth is way more refined and sleek, I like the feeling it gives me when I ran my skin on it haha!


Wait, you know what excites me more? When I went to Urban Mom’s Facebook page, they also sell lactation cookies! As a matter of fact, when I did my research, they started out selling lactation cookies first and added some nursing covers, pillows, and bottles later on.

But wait there’s more, Urban Mom is owned by two yuppies. Yes. Young Entrepreneurs named Kristine Gonzales and Edric Ng Cha, both in their 20’s and not a parent yet. What started out as an undergraduate thesis is now a booming business; If you’re going to ask “What’s gotten into their mind when they pick this as their thesis?” The answer was heart-melting, they were inspired by Edric’s cousin who was trying to conceive for eight years and is now a mom to a beautiful baby girl.

On that note, I would like to say that, I am a firm believer of if you do something out of love and kindness and pure bliss, you will succeed. That is why I do not wonder anymore if Urban Mom will be a household name in a few years for modern moms.

Alright going back to the covers, here’s what mine looks like close up and I did some comparison too. Here’s my first nursing cover


Bought it from Landmark and I am not so happy with this honestly because it’s too thick, and whenever I use it, It’s too dark inside that I cannot see my baby. Another thing that I don’t like about this is that the fabric pilling is itchy hence irritating.


This is Urban Mom’s, it’s not a double fabric that is why it’s more breathable, and I can see my baby whenever I check on her *wink*. And look ma! no pilling! 🙂 It’s approximately 42″ wide and 26″ inches long, with a U-Shaped neckline that allows you to see inside and better ventilation, it also comes with an adjustable strap, so you can control how low or high you want it to be.

This specific nursing cover cost Php 495.00 ($10.70) but they also have a collection that just cost Php 400 ($8.65), affordable if you ask me. Now that I have their cover, I might try buying some of their lactation cookies *insert happy girl here* I visited their Facebook now and they have Hershey’s Choco-chip oatmeal and Reese’s Peanut Butter on hand.

But I am thinking if I’ll just stalk them to their bazaar’s schedules and buy there instead, hmm. I have a trust issue with couriers here LOL. If you want to know more and be updated with their schedules and products you can visit, like, and follow their Facebook and Instagram coz I just did!


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