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My planner routine

I am so honored whenever someone messages me on my Instagram asking for tips and tricks and how do I do my daily planning. I never imagine that in a matter of just how many months, I would get queries like this because I never consider myself a “pro” when it comes to this community.

Anyway, I am still grateful that some people find my work beautiful, it fuels me more to excel in what I love to do. Going back, I would love to share my planner routine. Yes, it does exist, guys, crafting, and having a planner is never easy. It drives me insane whenever I have an undecorated spread or missed week on my planner, so I came up with my five routines and here they are:

  1. DECORATE ON YOUR FREE TIME. My free time is when my babies are sleeping and every Sunday when my husband is here to look after the kids. It’s been our routine that whenever it’s his day-off, it’s his time to spend time with the bubs and then I can do my planning. While during weekdays I plan at night, when they are all sleeping, even though I am tired. I have to. My planners are calling me. They need me, lol! 

  1. PLAN / UPDATE PLANNERS BEFORE YOU SLEEP. This works for me, I’m a kind of planner girl that doesn’t put much on my spread instantly. I mean I don't put ‘happy day’ sticker or stamp on a specific day of the week or ‘it’s an awesome day’ whatever because it always, always happens that whenever I put things like that before the day comes, it doesn’t turn that way. Is it a jinx? I don’t know. So I ended up updating my planners before I sleep, while the memory is still fresh on my mind.

  2. USE STICKY NOTES. If you cannot avoid having a busy day, week or you’re just super tired, use a sticky note. Jot down a quick, bulleted reminder of how your day went. So that you won’t be off track as to what happened on that day. You can even use this trick on scheduled far events.


  1. USE A THEME. When in doubt on how your spread will look like, use a theme. I already did a color theme on my Happy Planner and it’s foolproof. I did pink, black and white, mint, even orange. Now I am trying to explore, I have a beach theme, which I will post on my Instagram account next week (yes I have my next week spread decorated already woo hoo!) then will definitely do a Harry Potter theme once I gather some materials on the net. And lastly,

  2. TAKE ADVANTAGE. Yup! This is legal, I swear. Get free printables on the internet for your planner. Pinterest for example has so many printables, you just have to key in the word in the search box and voila! Instant stickers, planner inserts, tabs, dashboards, etc. If you don’t know where to start you can follow me on Pinterest or see my planner board for ideas.

I think that covers it all for me. I also think that the main key to having an organized planner is to have an allotted time for it. All of us have different ways on how to cope up with stress and in our community, I know you will all agree when I say, crafting and planning is such a stress reliever. *wink*

If you have other tips or routines of yours, please please comment them away below so we can exchange ideas. I’d love to hear them! Have fun dolls!



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