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  • Writer's pictureFerry Writes

Filofax Metropol: Week 3 of 2016

Sharing my week 3 spread for this month! I cannot believe that we are at the last week of January, time flies so fast eh? And I am thinking that I might be sharing my week 4 spread within this week as well.

I’ll be very busy when February comes as I will give birth to our second child. Don’t worry I will be scheduling post for you guys *wink* okay enough with the chit-chat and let me show you how I did my last week’s spread.


It was a busy week, which I love, because it means I didn’t get bored. Also my happy mails came just in time before I finish decorating my layout. Here are the materials that I used:

  1. Zig Kuratake Brush Pen

  2. Sweet Stamp Shop – Plan to clean

  3. Mommy Lhey Designs – My daily Kawaii

  4. Versamagic Dew Drop Chalk Ink – Midnight Black

  5. A few stickers that I have to fill in the gaps.

I really enjoyed last week’s layout, it was fun and hectic. How I wish this week will be like that too but I’m guessing it’s going to be laid-back. See you later loves! Gotta do some chores now *hugs*



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